The Online Integration Kit Documentation

A suite of easy-to-implement tools to strengthen your HR offering. Here you’ll find development documentation to each integration tool available for your HR Support Center including:

API v2

The complete redesign of the XML-based Legacy API previously offered; our RESTful API v2 gives you the advantage of secure and fast technology powered with oAuth2, and is JSON API compliant. Documentation includes API Endpoints for:

Single Sign On

Single Sign On allows clients to seamlessly and securely access your HR Support Center directly from within your software platform. No separate logins or passwords to remember. Just a single entry point. Not only does it streamline things for your clients, it’s a powerful way to drive adoption and usage of your HR solution.

Single Sign On Advantages


Webhooks are an easy way to setup “if-this-then-that” functionality within your internal application. Build or set up integrations which subscribe to certain events that occur within your HR Support Center.


Create self-contained, interactive, web page components that can easily be embedded within your organization’s website by adding just a few lines of web programming code. Widgets currently available include: